AED Defibrillator and CPR Malaysia
Lorry driver saved with CPR and AED by passers-by Lorry driver saved with CPR and AED by passers-by
Koay Ah Hock, a Lorry driver who had a heart attack and lost consciousness as his lorry stopped and hit a traffic light post.... Lorry driver saved with CPR and AED by passers-by

Koay Ah Hock, a Lorry driver who had a heart attack and lost consciousness as his lorry stopped and hit a traffic light post.

The driver could have died who after underwent a bypass at Penang Hospital if not for Lim Teik Aun, a certified CPR and AED user who was closeby that day. 

Lim had the help from the passers-by to performed CPR on Koay. They called Community Policing Malaysia at the Ayer Itam Penang Charity team’s office to take the AED to him.

To save Koay’s life, there was only a 30-minute window for Lim as he continued CPR until the AED arrived from their office in Jalan Free School. 

Penang Community Policing Malaysia chairman Lim mentioned that they have a lot of members who performed well in CPR and AED but the real test comes with saving someone’s life.

Penang Heart Save Society president Datuk Dr. Luah Lean Wah said that CPR and AED could be made a lot of difference when given to someone with a sudden cardiac arrest. Last but not least, he mentioned that Koay was lucky as the first 4 ‘golden’ minutes is important to start CPR or the brain cells would start dying.
